
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Jaclyn Smith

I was 10 years old when the TV show Charlie's Angels first aired in Belgium, a very impressionable and peculiar age: not quite a little kid anymore, not old enough to be considered a teenager. The term tween did not exist at that time, but I do remember that uncertain “in between” feeling very clearly. It was a time when I was (unconsciously) looking for role models and inspiration: in fashion, in music, in movies and TV. Charlie's Angels was required Saturday night viewing in my house – along with the Six Million Dollar Man, CHiPs and The Man from Atlantis. Notice a pattern here? At the time Charlie's Angels was quite groundbreaking: it was one of the first shows to showcase women in roles traditionally reserved for men. Growing up with such strong and positive role models in pop culture was tremendously important for myself and millions of other girls around the world. Beyond that, they also happened to be super stylish! Actress Jaclyn Smith played the iconic role of Kelly Garrett, the only original female lead to remain with the series for its complete run. Smith has since developed multiple successful product lines bearing her name including a collection of women's apparel, as well as beauty and skincare lines. Her sincere desire to help consumers attain beautiful home décor at an affordable price inspired her to create a fabric and trim collection, now available at Calico. The epitome of timeless chic, and a true class act, she was kind enough to take the time to answers some questions for this blog:

How would you describe your style?

Classic but eclectic – That also goes for fashion, art, and certainly decorating.

What does your own home say about you?

Our home is about family, every generation. My goal is for everyone (even four-legged friends!) to feel welcomed and comfortable

What drew you to the world of design and decorating?

I had a very artistic Mother who inspired me and let me redecorate my room as often as I wanted. As a little girl I was fascinated by the film Gone With The Wind, and was drawn to things such as canopy beds, Aubusson rugs, and 18th Century china.

Where do you turn for inspiration?

The world around me! Art, books, film, and people.

Who are your personal style icons?

Coco Chanel and Audrey Hepburn. They were both so original and there was no duplicating their unique style.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Flea markets, auctions. Shopping! I don’t even have to buy anything. Although my true guilty pleasures… gummy bears and chocolate covered marshmallows (I have a secret stash in my closet at all times!).

What trait do you most admire in a person?


Who/what has been your greatest professional influence?

Lou Antonio, a director who is one of my dearest friends.

Design do?

Take your time and don’t rush your vision. Create a space that truly reflects the things that you love.

Design don't?

Don’t imitate for the sake of being on trend or current, and don’t discard the past – reinvent it! It could be an old rocker that you paint a fresh new color, or add a new fabric to – it’s likely to become the most eye-catching piece in the room.

Color you never tire of?

Green! All shades. It’s a color that feels refined to me, and complimentary to all other colors.

Indispensable design element?


Rule to break?

Mix periods and colors! Let your imagination inspire your design.

I can never have too many…

Photos of family

Best advice you ever received?

Be true to yourself, who you are, and what you love. This goes not only for the world of design, but for your life.

Thank you Jaclyn!



Sitting Pretty!

Sitting Pretty!